Sunday, April 21, 2019

Team Strategic Marketing Plan

Research Development
Market Research Objectives
        Marketing research objectives are otherwise known as the market research goals of a company. For Crest, there are a handful of market research objectives that they have at hand. First off, the one goal is to increase the awareness of Crest 3D White as a whole, and their products individually, within the market. In other words, people know about Crest 3D White products, but the goal is to research consumer behavior to figure out how to target the customers better.
        By researching the consumer behavior of Crest, this can help the company to create better promotions that will increase profits and sales of the company. The main objective of this type of research is that it can help Crest to understand the wants, needs, and preferences on a deeper level. 
        To do this, Crest can use different forms of primary and secondary research. The primary types of research can consist of market testing, and surveys. By using market testing, Crest can discover how the product sells before fully releasing it into the market. Also, this allows Crest to do trial and error to see the best methods to sell the product potentially. Furthermore, Crest can then provide a survey to gain more qualitative information on the situation. This can help the company manipulate and adjust their product to the customers wants, needs and preferences before fully releasing it as well. Next, the secondary research would consist of doing quantitative research on information regarding the FDA and sales regarding their highest competitor, Colgate. This way Crest can have a new level of knowledge to gain a potential advantage on their competitor. 
Market Observation
        Market observations are known as a market research tool in which researchers watch how people or consumers behave or interact within the market in natural conditions (The Balance Small Business, 2019). Observational market research is performed with the purpose to better understand the existing customers (The Balance Small Business, 2019). By doing this, it reveals what influences their buying decisions, their values, and what they enjoy most and source change on their buying habits (The Balance Small Business, 2019).  
        Through the different market observation and research performed, Crest 3D White is a universally favorite product by people of all demographics and psychographics. Therefore, form the market observation, it is shown that people are drawn to Crest 3D White initially because of their packaging. The packaging is attractive and flashy. Therefore, it gains the customer's attention. This is in comparison to Colgate, who typically stick to similar packaging and it isn’t too flashy and doesn’t usually stand out. By creating flashy packaging, it is drawing customers to look deeper into what Crest has to offer. Although Crest 3D White is slightly more expensive than Colgate, it makes the customers feel as though they are purchasing a higher quality product.
Online Survey Analysis 
        There are plenty of ways for a company to conduct an online survey. There are different approaches and different concepts that a company can ask about. As for Crest 3D White, their online survey will be short and sweet. The survey will consist of 10 questions. This is because ten questions are long enough to get a decent amount of feedback, but it isn’t so long that it bores and makes our target impatient.
        In addition to this, the customer needs a reason to want to take the survey. I think that by having a little push or something to give them imitative to give their feedback will provide the company with a larger sample to go off. Therefore, customers will be encouraged to take the survey by being rewarded with a 10%-15% off coupon on their next Crest purchase. Not only will these help customers to take the survey, but it will also encourage them to buy their products.
        Firstly, we would start by asking the customer about their overall satisfaction with Crest 3D White products. From there, we would follow up with which product they buy (toothpaste, whitening strips, mouthwash, other). In addition to this, we would ask questions about how they would rate the quality and their initial reaction to the product.  We also believe that it is a good idea to ask the customers to rate the value for money of the product. This can tell us if the customers think if we are charging them too much, or if they feel as though their money is well spent. Crest would also want to include in their survey whether or not the customer would repurchase the product, and how likely they are to recommend it to a friend or family member. Furthermore, Crest would want to end with an open-ended question asking for customers to state what they would like to see improved upon.                  
        By asking questions such as these, it can give Crest direct insight as to what their customers want, needs and preferences are. Therefore, Crest can gain a better understanding as to if their customers feel as though they’re getting their monies worth and overall, how satisfied they are. This information can go a long way and can tell the company what their most popular product is (aside from looking at their sales). 
Precedent/Preceding Studies
A. Marketing Communication Strategies
Crest 3D White’s top competitors include Colgate, Sensodyne, and Aquafresh. We would like our promotions to inform our target audience about the 3D Whitening line, persuade them to use it over the competitors, and remind them of the different channels that they can reach us. Our target market age group ranges from young to elder, which means it is important that we use numerous outlets to channel our advertisements. For the younger target markets Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) will be most effective. While our older target market would be television, printed publications and possibly radio station ads. 
Colgate- The Colgate advertisement has a few features that we could take away and include to gain the attention of our market. Michael Phelps is seen brushing his teeth with his child in the ad. He is a known American Olympic Swimmer and is idolized by many across America. They use his image to support the environment by saving wasted water while brushing teeth. The message is very strong about the brands image. 

For our advertisement using a celebrity that is trusted and loved to promote a healthier, whiter smile while including their family is crucial. It is a great way to show our product can be used for various ages within a home. Our advertisement would be more centralized on the product line rather than just awareness to the brand. The consumers already have a trust and bond built with the celebrity, so it will make them feel more comfortable knowing that person feel safe sharing the product with their younger loved ones in the home. The celebrity grabs their attention, including their family will capture their interest, and should increase their desire to purchase the 3D White line- this is where we would have to add in links to our webpage. That is something that our competitors did not take advantage of. We would also be including links to our social media platforms as well. 
Aquafresh-They took a creative approach with their advertisements that capture a younger targets attention. The ad is very simple yet informative, which would be very effective for both our younger and elder target groups. The superhero helps to draw in attention; the wording is short and to the point for the goal of the product, and it is clear to see what the product is and how it can be useful.

The biggest takeaway from this advertisement for our company is simplicity, allowing the imagery to capture the attention of a younger audience. We are trying to get our 3D Whitening line to be a family product, advertisements like Aquafresh’s are perfect for capturing the attention of someone younger. If the child shows interest than it is more likely the parent will look more into the product. When they click the ad they will be able to see that our line is perfect for everyone in the home. 
Sensodyne-This Sensodyne ad is very trendy, which is something our promotions need to include. The hashtag #BackToYourBest can be used to get more consumers back to the product. The ad used an average person in the working community- doing something that would be done every day that often leaves people self-conscious about both their breath and smile. As a business relationship manager the woman will see and talk to many people every day (just like consumers do). The ad very simply shows this product will allow her to continue doing what she loves but without any worries. 

Our goal is to create advertisements that are trendy, simple and informative that keep people feeling connected to our product. I think creating a hash tag for our product line is very smart. It doesn’t have to be used in every promotion, but I do think that it would be very effective if we did. People remember things like that- for instance Nike- they are known for the slogan “Just Do It”. As soon as a person hears that they know that it is about Nike. The hash tag can be used on all social media platforms and can help raise brand awareness and loyalty.
Marketing Programs & Marketing Strategies
a.         Advertising-Advertising serves as a main communications tactic for Crest (and Procter & Gamble) in delivering product details and information to target markets. They typically use television, radio, print and online media for its main source of advertisements.
b.        Sales Promotion: consumer & trade – Sales promotion and personal selling are also applied to their product line. P&G focuses on the training of their workers involved in direct personal selling.
c.         Public Relations -  this company’s public relations activities involves different types of funding and sponsorships. P&G gives different types of sponsorships for different winners of contests that are advertised through television or radio.
d.        Personal Selling - P&G focuses on the training of their workers involved in direct personal selling.
e.        Direct Marketing - involves communications between P&G and their consumers and distributors
Advertising serves as a primary communications tactic for Crest (and Procter & Gamble) in delivering product details and information to target markets. They typically use television, radio, print and online media for its main source of advertisements. Sales promotion and personal selling are also applied to their product line. P&G focuses on the training of their workers and employees involved in direct personal selling. This company’s public relations activities include different types of funding and sponsorships. P&G gives different kinds of sponsorships for different winners of contests that are advertised through television or radio. There direct marketing involves communications between Procter & Gamble and their consumers and distributors.


The Balance Small Business. (2019). How Market Observation Is Used to Test Consumer       Readiness. [online] Available at:              need-to-know-about-market-observation-4043445 [Accessed 15 Apr. 2019].

Aquafresh. (2014). High Definition White Illuminating [Advertisement]. Retrieved from

Bhasin, H. (2019). [Advertisememt]. Retrieved from

Colgate. (n.d.). Colgate Arabia [Advertisement]. Retrieved from                  r/media/?media_id%3D1013071282173354&imgrefurl=                  gateArabia/&tbnid=lXCjeTeUOjE6rM&vet=1&docid=JfOLKy9mFhuWpM&w=600&h=60    &hl=en-US&source=sh/x/im

Smithson, N. (2017, May 21). Procter & Gamble's Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth        Strategies. Retrieved from

Thompson, A. (2017, May 25). Procter & Gamble's Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis. Retrieved from