Sunday, April 21, 2019

Team Strategic Marketing Plan

Research Development
Market Research Objectives
        Marketing research objectives are otherwise known as the market research goals of a company. For Crest, there are a handful of market research objectives that they have at hand. First off, the one goal is to increase the awareness of Crest 3D White as a whole, and their products individually, within the market. In other words, people know about Crest 3D White products, but the goal is to research consumer behavior to figure out how to target the customers better.
        By researching the consumer behavior of Crest, this can help the company to create better promotions that will increase profits and sales of the company. The main objective of this type of research is that it can help Crest to understand the wants, needs, and preferences on a deeper level. 
        To do this, Crest can use different forms of primary and secondary research. The primary types of research can consist of market testing, and surveys. By using market testing, Crest can discover how the product sells before fully releasing it into the market. Also, this allows Crest to do trial and error to see the best methods to sell the product potentially. Furthermore, Crest can then provide a survey to gain more qualitative information on the situation. This can help the company manipulate and adjust their product to the customers wants, needs and preferences before fully releasing it as well. Next, the secondary research would consist of doing quantitative research on information regarding the FDA and sales regarding their highest competitor, Colgate. This way Crest can have a new level of knowledge to gain a potential advantage on their competitor. 
Market Observation
        Market observations are known as a market research tool in which researchers watch how people or consumers behave or interact within the market in natural conditions (The Balance Small Business, 2019). Observational market research is performed with the purpose to better understand the existing customers (The Balance Small Business, 2019). By doing this, it reveals what influences their buying decisions, their values, and what they enjoy most and source change on their buying habits (The Balance Small Business, 2019).  
        Through the different market observation and research performed, Crest 3D White is a universally favorite product by people of all demographics and psychographics. Therefore, form the market observation, it is shown that people are drawn to Crest 3D White initially because of their packaging. The packaging is attractive and flashy. Therefore, it gains the customer's attention. This is in comparison to Colgate, who typically stick to similar packaging and it isn’t too flashy and doesn’t usually stand out. By creating flashy packaging, it is drawing customers to look deeper into what Crest has to offer. Although Crest 3D White is slightly more expensive than Colgate, it makes the customers feel as though they are purchasing a higher quality product.
Online Survey Analysis 
        There are plenty of ways for a company to conduct an online survey. There are different approaches and different concepts that a company can ask about. As for Crest 3D White, their online survey will be short and sweet. The survey will consist of 10 questions. This is because ten questions are long enough to get a decent amount of feedback, but it isn’t so long that it bores and makes our target impatient.
        In addition to this, the customer needs a reason to want to take the survey. I think that by having a little push or something to give them imitative to give their feedback will provide the company with a larger sample to go off. Therefore, customers will be encouraged to take the survey by being rewarded with a 10%-15% off coupon on their next Crest purchase. Not only will these help customers to take the survey, but it will also encourage them to buy their products.
        Firstly, we would start by asking the customer about their overall satisfaction with Crest 3D White products. From there, we would follow up with which product they buy (toothpaste, whitening strips, mouthwash, other). In addition to this, we would ask questions about how they would rate the quality and their initial reaction to the product.  We also believe that it is a good idea to ask the customers to rate the value for money of the product. This can tell us if the customers think if we are charging them too much, or if they feel as though their money is well spent. Crest would also want to include in their survey whether or not the customer would repurchase the product, and how likely they are to recommend it to a friend or family member. Furthermore, Crest would want to end with an open-ended question asking for customers to state what they would like to see improved upon.                  
        By asking questions such as these, it can give Crest direct insight as to what their customers want, needs and preferences are. Therefore, Crest can gain a better understanding as to if their customers feel as though they’re getting their monies worth and overall, how satisfied they are. This information can go a long way and can tell the company what their most popular product is (aside from looking at their sales). 
Precedent/Preceding Studies
A. Marketing Communication Strategies
Crest 3D White’s top competitors include Colgate, Sensodyne, and Aquafresh. We would like our promotions to inform our target audience about the 3D Whitening line, persuade them to use it over the competitors, and remind them of the different channels that they can reach us. Our target market age group ranges from young to elder, which means it is important that we use numerous outlets to channel our advertisements. For the younger target markets Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) will be most effective. While our older target market would be television, printed publications and possibly radio station ads. 
Colgate- The Colgate advertisement has a few features that we could take away and include to gain the attention of our market. Michael Phelps is seen brushing his teeth with his child in the ad. He is a known American Olympic Swimmer and is idolized by many across America. They use his image to support the environment by saving wasted water while brushing teeth. The message is very strong about the brands image. 

For our advertisement using a celebrity that is trusted and loved to promote a healthier, whiter smile while including their family is crucial. It is a great way to show our product can be used for various ages within a home. Our advertisement would be more centralized on the product line rather than just awareness to the brand. The consumers already have a trust and bond built with the celebrity, so it will make them feel more comfortable knowing that person feel safe sharing the product with their younger loved ones in the home. The celebrity grabs their attention, including their family will capture their interest, and should increase their desire to purchase the 3D White line- this is where we would have to add in links to our webpage. That is something that our competitors did not take advantage of. We would also be including links to our social media platforms as well. 
Aquafresh-They took a creative approach with their advertisements that capture a younger targets attention. The ad is very simple yet informative, which would be very effective for both our younger and elder target groups. The superhero helps to draw in attention; the wording is short and to the point for the goal of the product, and it is clear to see what the product is and how it can be useful.

The biggest takeaway from this advertisement for our company is simplicity, allowing the imagery to capture the attention of a younger audience. We are trying to get our 3D Whitening line to be a family product, advertisements like Aquafresh’s are perfect for capturing the attention of someone younger. If the child shows interest than it is more likely the parent will look more into the product. When they click the ad they will be able to see that our line is perfect for everyone in the home. 
Sensodyne-This Sensodyne ad is very trendy, which is something our promotions need to include. The hashtag #BackToYourBest can be used to get more consumers back to the product. The ad used an average person in the working community- doing something that would be done every day that often leaves people self-conscious about both their breath and smile. As a business relationship manager the woman will see and talk to many people every day (just like consumers do). The ad very simply shows this product will allow her to continue doing what she loves but without any worries. 

Our goal is to create advertisements that are trendy, simple and informative that keep people feeling connected to our product. I think creating a hash tag for our product line is very smart. It doesn’t have to be used in every promotion, but I do think that it would be very effective if we did. People remember things like that- for instance Nike- they are known for the slogan “Just Do It”. As soon as a person hears that they know that it is about Nike. The hash tag can be used on all social media platforms and can help raise brand awareness and loyalty.
Marketing Programs & Marketing Strategies
a.         Advertising-Advertising serves as a main communications tactic for Crest (and Procter & Gamble) in delivering product details and information to target markets. They typically use television, radio, print and online media for its main source of advertisements.
b.        Sales Promotion: consumer & trade – Sales promotion and personal selling are also applied to their product line. P&G focuses on the training of their workers involved in direct personal selling.
c.         Public Relations -  this company’s public relations activities involves different types of funding and sponsorships. P&G gives different types of sponsorships for different winners of contests that are advertised through television or radio.
d.        Personal Selling - P&G focuses on the training of their workers involved in direct personal selling.
e.        Direct Marketing - involves communications between P&G and their consumers and distributors
Advertising serves as a primary communications tactic for Crest (and Procter & Gamble) in delivering product details and information to target markets. They typically use television, radio, print and online media for its main source of advertisements. Sales promotion and personal selling are also applied to their product line. P&G focuses on the training of their workers and employees involved in direct personal selling. This company’s public relations activities include different types of funding and sponsorships. P&G gives different kinds of sponsorships for different winners of contests that are advertised through television or radio. There direct marketing involves communications between Procter & Gamble and their consumers and distributors.


The Balance Small Business. (2019). How Market Observation Is Used to Test Consumer       Readiness. [online] Available at:              need-to-know-about-market-observation-4043445 [Accessed 15 Apr. 2019].

Aquafresh. (2014). High Definition White Illuminating [Advertisement]. Retrieved from

Bhasin, H. (2019). [Advertisememt]. Retrieved from

Colgate. (n.d.). Colgate Arabia [Advertisement]. Retrieved from                  r/media/?media_id%3D1013071282173354&imgrefurl=                  gateArabia/&tbnid=lXCjeTeUOjE6rM&vet=1&docid=JfOLKy9mFhuWpM&w=600&h=60    &hl=en-US&source=sh/x/im

Smithson, N. (2017, May 21). Procter & Gamble's Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth        Strategies. Retrieved from

Thompson, A. (2017, May 25). Procter & Gamble's Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis. Retrieved from

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Company and SWOT Analysis

The Company
Company Overview
                  Crest is a well-known brand that is owned by the company Proctor & Gamble (P&G). As the parent company, P&G owns many other popular and well-known brands. Over 181 years, P&G has “challenged convention, led innovation, and helped shape culture” (, 2019).
                  Crest more specifically is a company that shows they care about their customers in many different ways and has a variety of different products. Crest demonstrates how much they care about their customers based on their extended line of knowledge for the public on their website. Crest provides information as to how to properly use their products such as toothpaste and whitening strips (, 2019). In addition to this, they provide unusual FAQ answers for nearly anything a person can think of, including questions addressing as if people can use the whitening strips on their back teeth, or if they accidentally swallow some of the gel, 2019).
                  In addition to all of this information, Crest also proves that they care because they provide articles on different topics and how to address them regarding gingivitis, tooth decay, tooth enamel, wisdom teeth and more (, 2019). Crest also provides information to educate people based on their life stage such as infants, toddlers, children and more (, 2019).
                  Crest also has multiple product lines to address the different conditions and life stages people may go through. For example, there is Crest 3D White for those who merely want a whiter, brighter smile ( 2019). There is also Crest Gum for those who suffer from gingivitis, and this product can help to reverse it (, 2019).     Crest also provides a line called Crest Pro-Health, which is merely to promote healthy teeth and gums (, 2019). Lastly, there is the Crest Complete Kids line which specializes strictly in children’s oral healthcare. The great thing about each of these lines is that there are different options to choose from such as mouthwash, toothpaste, gels, whitening substances, zero alcohol, unique flavors, and options for sensitive teeth. Overall, Crest has it covered.  
Company History
                  Proctor & Gamble (P&G) is known as the parent company to Crest, and in the early 1940’s it began a research program. The purpose of this research program is to find ingredients that would reduce tooth decay when added to toothpaste (, 2019). This was at a point where American’s developed an average of 700 million cavities annually, therefore, making dental disease one of the most prevalent health issues in the U.S. (, 2019).  
                  In the 1950s, P&G developed a joint research group that was lead by Dr. Joseph Muhler at Indiana University to develop and test a new toothpaste containing fluoride (, 2019). It was eventually discovered through a clinical trial that children between the ages of six to 16 had an average reduction of 49% in cavities, and a similar result in adult tooth decay (, 2019). With the success of this study, Crest with Flouristan toothpaste was launched into many different markets in 1955, and then a national expansion in 1956 (, 2019).
                  The American Dental Association confirmed that Crest effectively prevents tooth decay in 1960 (, 2019). By 1962, Crest had grown to be the best-selling toothpaste in the United States. In 2005, Crest celebrated its 50th year of providing healthy, beautiful smiles to families around the country (, 2019).
Business Description
                  Crest is owned by P&G and operates in the industry of oral healthcare with many different products. Crest provides different products to promote healthcare such as toothpaste, whitening products, mouthwash, floss, and more. Crest has a large target of all ages from ages starting from 0 and up! However, the specific product, Crest 3D White has a specific target of individuals who are looking to whiten and brighten their smile. Nearly all of which products can be obtained in drugstores, grocery and department stores, the dollar store, and even gas stations. Crest ensure that it is easy and convenient to access their products.
                  When implementing our business plan, we expect to see instant results that will gradually increase as time goes on. The purpose is to help our customers feel more confident and beautiful in their skin and with their oral health overall. Customers can rely on Crest because as demonstrated through their vast knowledge provided on the website, that they are very knowledgeable and educated. There are facts to back up what Crest is providing to customers which helps to create a bond of trust. Crest strives to have a relationship with their customers and to really be involved in their healthcare journey.  
                  As a company that operates worldwide, Crest hopes to increase the self-esteem and confidence of people all over and to achieve an exceeding profit margin in the next year by servicing customer’s satisfactory products and service. To accomplish this goal, Crest plans on implementing a new rewards system to give back to their loyal and appreciated customers.  
Corporate Vision/Mission
                  A firm’s vision statement describes the future target situation of the business (Panmore Institute, 2019). Meanwhile, on the other hand, a mission statement specifies the target approach to fulfill the vision (Panmore Institute, 2019). Because P&G owns crest, Crest does not have a vision, and mission statement of its own, rather than P&G as a whole represents it. Their vision emphasizes leadership in the global market, while their mission statement highlights quality and values as the foundation for ensuring success (Panmore Institute, 2019).  
                  The vision statement for Crest as represented by P&G is, “Be, and be recognized as, the best consumer products and services company in the world” (Panmore Institute, 2019). The word ‘best’ characterizes what the company aims to achieve in the global consumer goods market. The corporate vision statement highlights three characteristics relevant to P&G overall, and its business condition. The first is to b the best consumer products and services company (Panmore Institute, 2019). The second is the be recognized as the consumer products and services company (Panmore Institute, 2019). Lastly, the third is global market operations (Panmore Institute, 2019). Of all which emphasize leadership in their industry.
                  The mission statement on the other hand states, “We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and communities in which we live and work to prosper” (Panmore Institute, 2019). This mission statement also highlights many characteristics. Firstly, it promises branded products and services of superior quality. Secondly, to improve the lives of the world's consumers, now and for generations to come. Third, the company will be rewarded in leadership sales, profit, and value creation — lastly, prosperity of people, shareholders, and communities (Panmore Institute, 2019). Overall, the mission statement states that the company must ensure superior quality and value of its products which is the primary strategic objective (Panmore Institute, 2019). 
Key Top Management People by Departments
                  Being that P&G owns crest, this means that it is a GIANT company that requires many people to make it function. Some of the leaders of this company consist of David S. Taylor who is the Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer (, 2019). Steven D. Bishop is the group president of Global Health Care. Jennifer Davis is the president of Global Feminine Care, Gary Coombe is the President of Global Grooming (, 2019).   
                  In addition to this, other key members of management include Philip J. Duncan who is the Global Design Office, Mary Lynn Ferguson-McHugh who is the group president of Global Family Care and P&G Ventures (, 2019). Thomas M. Finn is the President of Global Personal Health Care, Kathleen B. Fish is the Chief Research, Development, and Innovation Officier, Fama Francisco is the President of Global Baby Care and Baby and Feminine Care Sector (, 2019).
                  As the list goes on, Tracey Grabowski is the Chief Human Resources Officer, William P. Gipson who is the President of End-to-End Packaging Transformation and Chief Diversity Officer, Henry Karamonoukian is Senior Vice President of Go-to-Market in China, R. Alexandra Keith is the President of Global Hair Care and Beauty Sector (, 2019). Although 16 other people make up the leadership team that runs P&G and very popular brands such as Crest, these are just a handful.
                  Crest 3D White is a huge brand in the United States and Canada, with the headquarters office located in the United States even though the brand has expanded worldwide. Crest 3D White products are able to be bought in any department or drugstore. Along with Crest 3D White toothpaste, there are whitening strips, mouthwash and whitening kits, they have expanded the products of Crest 3D White for every need.
Brands/Major Products and Services
                   Crest has many different products to cover all of the needs of their consumers. Crest has toothpaste, mouthwash, sensitivity products, and products for children, under the specific collection of 3D white, there are 31 different products. Crest 3D White has been able to go above and beyond all of their consumer’s different needs.
Product Sales History 
                  Crest 3D White in 2018, was the leading brand of toothpaste in the United States. In 2018 Crest 3D White had 256.6 million dollars in sales, which is what places Crest 3D White in the number one spot compared to their competitors by a long shot.
Current Marketing Objective
                  Crest uses all types of media channels to promote the Crest brand. A brand as large and popular as Crest does not have a huge promotion to bring consumers to buy their product, their best marketing strategy is word of mouth. Crest uses publishing article and digital platforms to market their products, they have digital platforms through Youtube ads, Facebook and e-commerce sites. The e-commerce platform helped the company to increase its market share. This concludes the marketing mix of Crest.
Company’s Current Marketing Strategy and Budget
As previously stated, Crest has a known presence on social media. Their objectives on each of these social media sites are making the product information and new products known to their target audience. Crest also uses Facebook and all social media sites to encourage conversation and interaction with its target audience, because as stated before, word of mouth is one of Crest more crucial marketing tools. 
SWOT Analysis
                  Procter & Gamble began working on toothpaste in the early 1940s, by 1955 Crest had been created as a leading brand for the parent brand. “In 1960, the American Dental Association confirmed that Crest effectively prevents tooth decay. Any by 1962, they had become the best-selling toothpaste in the United States” (Crest, 2019). For over 60 years Crest has been helping to provide confidence of a beautiful white smile to its consumers. They have remained one of Procter & Gamble’s biggest successes. 
               Quality products- Since the beginning the company has always focused on improving oral health and has remained a leader in dental health innovations since 1955. The brand has released several lines that make sure to cover the various needs of consumers. They continually test products and ingredients for sensitive teeth, people with weakened enamel, etc. They also have the best reputation for a healthy white smile.  “Based on Nelson U.S reported sales for 2018, Crest 3D white was the #1 Whitening brand” (Crest, 2019).
            Diverse Product Line- When the brand was created the primary focus was toothpaste. Throughout the years Crest has since added in mouthwash, whitening strips, and polishing treatments. Crest created different lines within those categories to cover all the needs of consumers. For example, Crests for Kids which is a line specifically for children or the Pro-Health line for people with more sensitive teeth.
Parent Brand Relationships- Since Procter & Gamble is a parent brand for Crest, they are able to share all information on retailers, manufacturers and distribution channels. “In 2005, Procter & Gamble acquired the Oral-B brand as part of the Gillette company acquisition” (Erraji, 2017). That means that P&G is able to share Oral-B’s distribution and retailer history as well. 
   Brand Loyalty- Being a leader in dental health innovations for over 60 years, Crest has been able to build a very solid and loyal customer base. “Within two years of its ADA acceptance in 1960, Crest’s sales nearly tripled, pushing Crest well ahead as the best-selling toothpaste in the United States. Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste received the ADA Seal of Acceptance for protection against six different dental health conditions: cavities, gingivitis, plaque, sensitivity, teeth stains, and bad breath” (Crest, 2019). When consumers are able to see proof that a product is healthy, works, and quality for all members of their household, they will remain loyal to that brand.
Packaging- Each line offered by Crest is color coordinated. It is very easier for consumers to remember which product is their favorite by bright and colorful packaging. The containers are very durable and not very costly.
 Financial PositionAgain, because of the history of the company is a leader of the industry. It is safe to say that they are in a very comfortable financial position. If anything were to ever happen to the brand they could also fall back on the parent brand Procter & Gamble. The company is still experiencing growth and other developments so it is safe to assume that they will remain in a very prosperous financial position. They have the funds to advertise how they see fit, make changes where necessary, conduct market research and more without hesitation.
   Online Presence- Aside from their webpage, Crest can be found on all social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They also have multiple advertisements on major sites such as Google and Youtube. ” P&G announced recently that they are introducing their new Crest Weekly toothpaste almost entirely through the blogosphere” (Baer,2019). The company wants to test social media to see if it could really be used to launch new products.
                   Product Competition- Today, there are many different companies to choose from when it comes to dental care. Some of the other companies include Colgate, Sensodyne, Aquafresh, and Oral-B (which is now also owned by P&G). Currently, Colgate is the leader of the industry in certain areas.
                  Lifelong Product- Dental hygiene is something that will always be needed. We are of course going to experience modifications as we learn more as we have the last few decades, but the need to keep up a clean healthy dental lifestyle will never change.
Advertising- Marketing is becoming more personalized. This is definitely an advantage for Crest since they have a strong financial position to support them. Understanding the wants and needs of each consumer means it will be easier for them to send specific products for each member of a home.
             Expansions- Crest is already a global company but expansions across the globe would be effective. With internet access and social media becoming more popular globally consumers across the globe will be wanting to put their best, whitest, and healthiest smile out for the world. Dental health awareness is increasing and with Crest being so highly recommended for decades the brand is sure to experience growth.
                  Competition- With any organization competition is always a threat. They are always looking for ways to create a similar or better product/service. The price or promotion that they offer will affect how business will run for your product. Pricing wars can occur between brands. As more dentist recommend a brand it may become more popular, etc. There are so many ways that competition can threaten competitor sales.
Indirect Competition- There are some people who will miss a few days a week or more of proper dental care. This opens up other competition for dental hygiene companies include products such as mints, gum, breath spray and dissolvable breath strips. 

References: (2019). History of Toothpaste. [online] Available at:             health/why-crest/faq/history-toothpaste [Accessed 26 Mar. 2019]. (2019). Who we are | P&G principles and values. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2019].

Panmore Institute. (2019). Procter & Gamble Co.’s Mission Statement & Vision Statement: An         Analysis - Panmore Institute. [online] Available at:      mission-statement-vision-statement-analysis [Accessed 28 Mar. 2019]. (2019). P&G leadership team | About P&G. [online] Available at:    [Accessed 29 Mar. 2019].

Crest 3D White. (n.d.). Retrieved from            us/products/whitestrips#viewtype:gridview/facets:/category:whitestrips/page:1/sortb                  Featured               Sort/productsdisplayed:undefined/cwidth:3/promotilesenabled:false/pcwidth:/cwidth:/pscroll:

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